Tablas para picar / for starters / borrelplank
Tabla de Buenos Aires
A selection of Argentina’s finest cheeses, hams and chorizos paired with grilled vegetables, olives and homemade empanadas. Delicious with a nice glass (or bottle) of Malbec.
18,75 p.p
Tabla de Salta
A vegetarian picada, inspired by the magical region of Salta in the North of Argentina. A lot of cheese topped with our own homemade sweet potato jam with a hint of Inca chocolate, empanadas with choclo (corn), grilled vegetables, salted peppers & sweet potatoes. Perfect with a nice glass of Torrontes.
20 p.p
Las Tablas Compartidas / for shared dining
As a basis you can choose individually between La Pampa (meat) or Patagonia (fish or vegetarian) and on the basis of those choices we will create a custom Tabla for you and your loved ones to enjoy. A feast to enjoy in good company and with good wine!
Tabla de la Pampa
The province of Argentina where cows roam freely over an amount of land, three times bigger than the Netherlands and which holds the secret of the quality of the meat on this table. Try our Tabla with premium Argentinian Tenderloin or Ribeye paired with homemade chimichurri & criolla, fries, vegetables and more tasty appetizers. Beautiful with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon or
Malbec. Also delicious with our tasty beers!
For 2 to share 75
Tabla de Patagonia
The south of Argentina, a region in which all beauties of nature come together: glaciars, mountains, penguins and whales, sheep and lynxes. This Tabla emphasizes the enormous diversity of Patagonia and changes with the seasons, just like the region. Fresh fish, the famous cordero (lamb) de Patagonia or juicy ribs together with seasonal herbs and vegetables. Be surprised by the nature of Patagonia and embark on a tasting journey. Every season has a different wine, feel free to ask us
for suggestions! Seasonal spices, seasonal prices.
For 2 to share 75
Acompanamientos caseros / homemade appetizers
Papas fritas caseras o batata
hand cut (sweet) potato fries 4,80
Papas bravas con salsa roja y blanca
crispy triangular potatos with red and white sauce 7,50
Ensalada mixta
fresh side salad with onions, tomato, lettuce, olives and mustard cumin seed dressing 6
Ensalada criolla
fresh side salad with radish, cheese, tomato, cucumber, onion and olives 9,75
Berenjena o zapallito relleno
grilled eggplant or zucchini grated with cheese and honey 8
Pimientos del padron
salted peppers in olive oil 8,50
Croquetas de jamon, atun o vegetales
homemade ham, tuna or vegetable croquettes 9,50
a typical Argentinian grilled cheese 11
Empanadas de carne, mais, queso, pollo o atún
the emblematic Argentinian pastries stuffed with meat, corn, cheese, chicken or tuna 10
Gambas al ajillo
fresh prawns baked in garlic and dressed in tomato/basil sauce 11
Chorizo al infierno
marinated spicy sausages flamed in brandy 8
Alitas de pollo
chicken wings with Argentinian herbs 11
Jamon Iberico de Bellota 23,50
Salsas & dips
it originated in Argentina, made of finely chopped parsley, minced garlic,
olive oil, oregano and red wine vinegar. Delicious on a steak! 4
Salsa criolla
a South American sauce with onion, red bell pepper, tomato,
vinegar, oil and garlic 4
Pimienta Verde
a creamy, homemade pepper sauce 4
Salsa Picante
a spicy sauce with habaneros, mint and roasted paprika! 4
mediterranean sauce made of garlic and olive oil 4
avocado-based dip 5,75
Carnes / meat dishes
Hamburguesa casera 15
sweet marinated ribs with fries 18
Milanesa de pollo
Argentinian style breaded chicken filet 21
Milanesa de ternera
Argentinian style breaded tenderloin filet 24
Costillas de cordero
Patagonian lamb racks with a nice crust and baked potato w/ grilled vegetables 24
Bife de Chorizo* – entrecote Argentinian steak
200g 24 250g 28 300g - €31,-

Bife de Ancho* – Argentinian rib-eye
200g 24 250g 28 300g 31

Bife de Lomo* – premium Argentinian tenderloin
200g 25 250g 29 300g 32
* w/ fries or a baked potato and grilled vegetables
Ensaladas / salads
Ensalada Reinaldo
a delicious Latino salad with avocado, roasted corn, broad & black beans, crema fresca, tomato, mint, quinoa and a lemon dressing 15
Ensalada Caprese
buffalo mozarella, tomato, oregano and balsamico-basil pesto 14,-
Ensalada Dulce
salad with sweet potato, couscous, lettuce and a honey dressing 15
Pescados / fish dishes
Grilled dorada
freshly grilled fish with steamed vegetables, lemon and Patagonian herbs 22
Gambas a la parilla
the king of prawns, caught and grilled, garnished with steamed vegetables and a black lemon sauce 23
Merluza a la Bilbaina
Hake fish prepared in a traditional Basque way with vegetables and marinated in a homemade tomato sauce 22
Sopas / soups
Sopa de tomate
fresh and creamy tomato soup 7
Sopa de verduras
vegetable soup 7
Postres / homemade desserts
Flan con dulce de leche
Argentinian flan with the famous caramel topping, fresh cream and a hint of vanilla 7
Crema Catalana
the original Spanish cinnamon & vanilla flavoured masterpiece 7
flavoury, heavy and sweet 8
Moelleux de Dulce de leche & chocolat
lava cake with a liquid heart of dulce de leche, topped with red fruits 9
Bebidas / dranken
Café Espresso 2,50
Cappuccino 3,50
Doble espresso 3,80
Café 2,80
Café con leche 2,95
Café decafé 2,80
Café Irlandés 7,50
Café Frances 7,50
Café Español 7,50
Café Italiano 7,50
Carajillo 4,90
Té 3,20
Té de menta fresca 3,90
Té de gengibre 3,90
Mate (Argentijnse thee) 4,90-